The Common Fund for Commodities’ Technical Assistance Facility team partners with impact-oriented investment funds in the agricultural commodities sector to leverage the development impact and commercial sustainability of their investments into agribusinesses in the developing world. The TA Facility team comprises expertise in tropical agriculture, agroforestry, project management and impact assessment, and is being assisted by CFC financial and administrative colleagues. By leveraging this expertise, the TA Facility team aims to improve the operational capacity and profitability of targeted agribusinesses and partner institutions through providing expert consultancy and capacity development support and ensuring knowledge dissemination on agriculture and agri-finance, with a specific focus on smallholder supply chains and sourcing models.
Capacity development measures may consist of support through hands-on and customized services to investees, including, scientific studies, impact evaluations, community development projects, market/value chain analyses and feasibility studies, salary subsidies for company key positions, outgrower scheme development, and the development and implementation of Social and Environmental Management Systems (SEMS).
Currently, the Common Fund for Commodities TA Facility team manages two separate facilities, the Africa Agriculture Trade and Investment Fund (AATIF) Technical Assistance Facility and the Moringa Investment Fund Agroforestry Technical Assistance Facility (ATAF), with projects spanning across Latin America and Africa.